Osaisiko joku kertoa pitääkö tuo kyynärnojassa oleva aux koodata jotenkin päälle.
Kokeilin sitä ja ainakaan iPhonesta ei kuulu yhtään mitään. Auto siis 2009 A4 b8.
A4 b8 aux
Valvoja: ffp jäsenet
Lueskelin intterwebistä, että mm. akun irroitus voi "hävittää" AUXin, jolloin se pitää koodata takaisin toimintaan esim. VCDS:llä.
"When you find someone with VCDS (Vag-Com), the fix is easy. Go to the radio controller (Address 56) and look at the coding. It will probably be 0040400. Change it to 0040401, and click "Do it". Then like magic, you AUX input will be back. I have done this for several people. Why the controller turns off this bit when the battery is disconnected is a mystery to me, but at least the fix is easy."
"When you find someone with VCDS (Vag-Com), the fix is easy. Go to the radio controller (Address 56) and look at the coding. It will probably be 0040400. Change it to 0040401, and click "Do it". Then like magic, you AUX input will be back. I have done this for several people. Why the controller turns off this bit when the battery is disconnected is a mystery to me, but at least the fix is easy."
Palaa sivulle “Sisusta & Autohifi”
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